Frequently Asked Questions
List of frequently asked questions
The most Frequently Asked Questions
You can find in accelRare's header the complete list of rare diseases by clicking on the link "Rare diseases available".
This list has been defined from the publication of Pierre Etienne Chazal and Professor Ségolène Aymé, former head of Orphanet: An Objective Approach to Identify Priority Rare Diseases for the Development of Solutions Reducing the Diagnostic Delay Based on French Data.
Chazal PE, Aymé S.Front Pharmacol. 2021 Oct 22;12:734601
The diseases matching with the criteria defined below have been excluded:
- Diseases with a high mortality rate before the age of 3,
- Diseases with low diagnostic delay due to very specific physical symptoms.
The ambition is to regularly enrich accelRare with new diseases so that it becomes the best in class rare diseases pre-diagnosis tool.
Yes, accelRare is pre-diagnosis tool for healthcare professionals only, in priority for the primary care network, to help them to confirm the suspicion of a possible rare disease and speed up the referral of their patients to the appropriate expert center to confirm the diagnosis .
accelRare's ambition is to become the best in class digital companion in the pre-diagnosis of rare diseases for healthcare professionals.
medvir is based on validated scientific data.
- Orphadata from Orphanet: A best in class online database on rare diseases and orphan drugs.
Available on the site
© INSERM 1999 - January 2022 data release.
- Scientific literature publications.
All these data have been interpreted to be integrated into medvir.
100% of the rare diseases managed within accelRare have been reviewed by 50 experts in order to:
Specify the entry signs of the disease,
Ajust the frequency of those signs,
Enrich the list of medical exams & medical histories,
Specify the combinations of signs that should suggest the disease.
accelRare uses the pre-diagnostic & differential diagnosis tool medvir which is a reliable and robust "symptom checker" having 14 years of usage. All the results can be explained, allowing to provide easily an answer to any question from an health authority or a complaint.
medvir algorithm does not learn from source data (machine learning).
A performance study is currently on going, leading by the Digital Medical Hub (AP HP - France).
It is a randomized study to compare the diagnostic performance in rare diseases of healthcare professionals (HCPs) using accelRare versus HCPs using other tools but not accelRare.
The results of the study will be available early 2026.
A 1st pilot study was performed in the 4th quarter of 2023. The results have been shared during an oral communication by the Dr Joris Galland at the French "SNFMI" congress in June 2024. They demonstrate that the diagnostic performance in rare diseases of HCPs without accelRare has been evaluated at 35.1%, and is increased to 58.5% for a HCPs using accelRare.
accelRare does not save any data at the end of a pre-diagnosis.
If you wish, you can generate a PDF of the case studied in order to attach it to your patient file.
The questionnaire is 100% anonymous and secure.
Only the age and the gender of the patient are requested to refine the hypotheses related to this population.
accelRare complies with all personal data protection regulations. (See the terms of use in the footer).
accelRare/Medvir manages 225 symptoms, which can be expressed through a glossary of more than 20 000 words and expressions.
First try to enter this symptom with another synonym.
If you still can't find it, please send us an eMail:
- Either by the "Contact us" feature available in the footer of the solution,
- Either directly from your eMail messaging tool to the following address:
Have you selected the main symptom from the list of symptoms you have completed?
To do it, you just have to click on the targeted symptom. A thumbtack will then appear in front of its name.
Just after, you will be able to move to the next step.
It is currently not possible to go back, nor to use the "Back" key of your internet browser, in this 1st accelRare's version.
This feature will be available in 2026.
The strength of accelRare is to suspect a rare disease, even from weak signals.
Today, accelRare can already suspect 270 rare diseases among the 7,000 identified so far, provided that you take time to answer all the questions asked during the questionnaire.
Now, your patient can also suffer from one of the 6,700 rare diseases that are not yet integrated into accelRare.
accelRare does not require a login and does not save any data at the end of a pre-diagnosis.
It is therefore impossible to regenerate a PDF when the user session is not longer active.
We invite you to re-complete the online questionnaire.
We are open to all improvements suggestions. Please send us an email:
- Either by the "Contact us" feature available in the footer of the solution,
- Either directly from your eMail messaging tool to the following address: